Thursday, October 6, 2011

Living In The Presence of God (Vol 1) Chapter 10 & 11


All your worldly possessions and attitudes have to be given up
to bring in divine love. As you begin to lose the world, you
will begin to find God. Your worldly possessions will possess
you and make you insane. Divine love can make you obsess to
reach the sanity of the Lord Himself. You may appear insane to
the one who is worldly, but do not let the fears of that stop
you from imitating Me.

Bring the change in you slowly, gradually, and yet
intentionally. The change that comes in you must stay to
remain. Too many quick steps confuse the mind and subject you
to disappointing failures. You must be determined to bring
about the transformation, but you must not be impatient.
Remember, all through this process, you are never alone, for I
witness each step; I walk each step with you, and I reward and
bless you for each step of your courage. Transformation of the
soul involves the control over your mind, intellect and senses,
purification of the heart, and instilling within you, a love for
all forms that are the different faces of the Creator.

"Rely" on My name in your minds, "recite" My name on your lips,
and "reside" My name in your hearts, and let the name become the
cure to transform. "Rely", "Recite", and "Reside", let this
human go, let us become divine! When love becomes your thought
and love walks into your heart, then I have given you My name,
"Prema". I have considered you to be My form - "Premaswarupa".
Sai Baba is the name that is given by you, but in the truth of
God, I am the form of love, My name is the truth of love, I have
taken this body to love, to teach you to love, to transform you
to the soul of love, and with love as your path, you will, one
day, reach the heavens - the merging of you in Me forever.
Leave this hell, where the mind speaks and God is silent. Leave
this hell, where the "I" resides and the "Lord" is homeless.
Leave this hell, where the heart is black and the purity of love
is just a fiction. Leave this hell, and walk on this new path
that I have paved with My hands. Reach Me, My child, before you
lose yourself, forever!

Each one of you walks alone on this spiritual journey, so your
experiences must be first hand, for the words of another may be
empty, hollow, and meaningless. Let the faith not waver
anymore, let your fears not consume you anymore, let your
strength to reach Me overpower your weakness of laziness, and
let your love for Me believe in My truth itself! You feel the
pain, for you believe in the separation of Me and you. I, too,
feel the pain, the pain of your ignorance, the pain of your
stubbornness, and the pain to be unable to give you my love

You say that your wounds bleed, that the pain is unbearable and
that has made you a weak human. But yet, your faith in My
remedy to heal your wound and to take your pain is even weaker.
You say that you pray to change, but that God stays deaf, and
your prayers are unanswered. How will I answer, when even you
disbelieve the sincerity of your own efforts? You say, to love
all is hard, and to accept life as is, is even harder. But
truly, you have not learnt to even love your selves. Once the
self is loved, to love all becomes natural. When you cannot
accept your "self" as is, then how can you accept life? When
all becomes true surrender to God's will, then life will
automatically be accepted, too. Do not delude yourselves to
believe that you are the victim to the injustices of the world.
The injustice lies in you letting your mind to win, the
injustice lies in you letting your ego gone to rule, and the
injustice lies in your blame of God Himself, and in all whom He
lives in. Yes, you want "just is" and I want "just you", you
want the "world", and I want to be the world in you. You want
"God", and I want you to find God in you. You want love, and I,
My dear, want you to be love! God will only be found, when the
storm within you breaks, and when you will experience the
monsoons of love.


Love can never belong and in love you can never go wrong. When
love belongs, your search for God will "be long". So make God
your beloved and "be loved" by Him forever. Today, your love
for God is "benign". It has not spread to the rest of you.
Love must overcome each part of you. Yes, make this love from
"benign" to "be nine!" Give Me, today, all the nine forms of
your devotion, and learn to love God. When the love for the
Lord becomes "boundless", all in the world will be forgotten,
and I promise that you will be "bound less". God is ever ready
to bless you with this loan of love, and believe Me, this loan
is the best to own. There is no interest on this loan - His
only interest is you. You can default as many times in your
payment - He will forgive! There is no time period to pay it
off - He will wait patiently, forever. The only collateral you
provide for this loan is your love for Him, and maybe one day,
your acceptance of Him.

Tell Me, will this attitude help you in your change Godward? If
one's action to you is distasteful, then tell Me, is your action
of idle gossip and heartless judgements on this person in any
better taste? If you are not able to help another with his
weakness and faults, then you must rise above your judgement and
criticisms to ignore them and accept them. What right do you
have to belittle another when a whole army of faults lies within
you? Remember, the biggest fault of all is to criticize a fault
of another. It is only a coward that will mask his face with a
weakness of another.

I say, turn the spotlight on yourselves, and bare your own
faults. Acceptance of your weaknesses is your first step in
extending your hand towards Me for help. When honesty comes,
truth will awaken, and God will arrive. Believe Me, no one but
Me is there with you - today, tomorrow, and always. You can
impress all, but if you have not impressed Me, you still are
living life in untruth and unreality.

The play will end, My dears, your act will be over, the applause
will die, all will disperse, and you will stand in the middle of
this stage to face reality all alone. But if you know it to be
a play, you will play the act according to the director, you
will know that the applause lies for His work and not yours, and
you will be ready to go back home, knowing that you played your
part to the best of your ability. Let the truth be known now,
so that I can save you from your biggest fall later. Let Me see
your efforts now, so that I can save you with My grace later.
Prepare yourselves for your end with Me, for, with Me your end
will just begin your eternal life with Me.

How can I explain that it is only My love for you that makes Me
speak these harsh words to you. I want you to face the reality
without fears, to have faith that you all are the little Gods
that live today. A mother must be honest, or the child that is
brought up within the walls of false security and deception,
will one day, rebel to face the real world. My truth may hurt
you today, but it is this pain that will strengthen you
tomorrow. My demands of you may be unfair to you today, but
your giving in with your efforts will be only your victory
tomorrow. Do not judge Me and put limitations on our own
efforts to love. Believe Me, the soul can give and never tire,
the soul can love and rise higher, higher than the mind, your
senses, and all your desires. My words may sound empty and
monotonous to you today, but when the truth will flash in front
of you one day, these words will be your breath, these words
will be your only bread, and these words will be your bliss. So
today, let Me talk, and you shall listen, and tomorrow you will
act, and I will pray for the spiritual success of each one of

Where duty goes you do what you must and not what you can. The
word "can" is a freeway that lets you walk off easily from all
responsibilities. In duty, nothing must remain incomplete.
Your duties in your life must be your priorities, for when duty
stays undone, all other work in the eyes of the Lord are
meaningless. Your sense of duty must be accomplished with pure
selfless love, for that duty takes My form, that duty completes
My tasks, and that duty speaks of your own divinity. The tests
of duty lies in your strength to withstand its monotony, its
lack of gratitude, and the pleasure time it may take away from
you. These tests can be easily passed if duty becomes the God
you pray. Yes! Each one of you work for the Lord everyday, for
your are only His instrument used to complete His duty - the
well being, welfare, protection and love of all.

You stand today amidst confusion, trying to prioritize your
duties. Does your duty lie in family, friends, work, or
country? In all lies your duty, wherever there is God. How do
you prioritize this duty? I say, wherever the need is the
highest, there is where you first belong. Wherever is the love
that is closest to God, there is where you first belong.
Wherever your commitment or promise will lay until your last
breath in this body, there is where you first belong. Wherever
you will obey the rules of dharma, there is where you first
belong. Where God, Himself, will have to take your place in
your absence to perform your unfinished duty, then there is
where you first belong.

I want each one of you to go back in the years of your life and
think. Think, My sweet one, of your life's circumstances at
different stages, think of all the things that have gone wrong.
Yes! They went wrong. You felt pain and then in time, it was
healed. Calamities fall, the storms with their dark clouds
threaten, but then the skies clear; the sun comes out, and its
light and warmth awakens the song of love, again, in all living
beings. Think, My dears, why these circumstances? Why the
pain? What heals these pain? Who, My child, has saved you each
time and made you walk again?

Your previous karmas have determined your life in this current
body. Thus, circumstances are predetermined too. The pain you
suffer is due to your lack of understanding of this cycle. You
think yourself to be this body, the body is very fragile, and
thus, you break at every point when you face physical
discomforts. The body and mind feel every jolt; the mind
weakens and begins to fear every fall. The fear in the mind
will only cause pain in your hearts, for in fear, the heart
feels no love. With no love, the self begins to die, and you
live in this shadow of death. This is when the mother of this
universe will walk in. She comes, in one of Her forms, to give
you the love you have lost. I know, you say, you have not seen
Her, but how can you? Your eyes are as clouded as your minds
and your hearts. Can the mother ever see Her own child lost?
The mother cannot walk for you and she cannot speak your words.
The mother comes to love and teach Her child, but she cannot
live your life. No one can live your life, not even God! The
law of karma must return all your favours. So the Mother, after
every fall, makes you walk again, but then, She too, has to
leave to come back to save you, once again, in another fall on
another day!

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