Monday, July 16, 2012

What a great fortune! - By Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji - Part-6 B

I wish to ask about the impact of human effort. What is the proportion of human effort and God's will on overall scheme of things? In other words, can human effort change or impact what is destined to happen?
Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji:

If you have the penance, then to some extent, you can change the fate. Otherwise, there is absolutely no free will.
If a person does not have any children, who will perform his last rites? If someone related to him does the last rites, will his soul get liberated? Who will, for him, do the monthly and yearly rituals?
Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji:

If one does not have a male child but has a female child, then getting the holy grass ('dharbai') from the daughter, some one else can do his last rites. His son-in-law or his brother's son can do the last rites, as also someone whom the person might have adopted during his lifetime, or someone that the deceased considered 'abhimana putra'.
The person who does the last rites also should perform all the subsequent rituals.
However, anyone can perform his last rites by chanting the name of Govinda thrice (this is called 'Govinda Kolli'). If this is done, there is no necessity to perform any subsequent rites or rituals.
I am not able to concentrate my mind when I sit for meditation or pooja. Some unnecessary thoughts come to my mind and disturb me. How do I get rid of them?

Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji:
For a few days, chant the Mahamantra loudly in the mornings and evenings. That will make your mind quiet and bring ‘manolaya’ or calmness of your mind. That will help you get the required concentration to do mediation.
In the event of a death in the family, going to the temple is prohibited. Why?

Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji:
Generally, temples are prohibited for only 13 days, after which you can visit other temples, except for Maha Kshetras.
Generally we offer cooked food for the Lord, while 'Pitrus' (manes) prefer only half-boiled food. Melodious music pleases the Lord while the dead are happy with the sound of wailing. We do not wear wet clothes while we pray to the Lord while the Pitrus should be propitiated wearing wet clothes. God takes only little of what is offered to Him while the Pitrus consume a lot. God likes flowers and 'kolam' (Rangoli) and the dead hate these. God likes celebrations while the Pitrus don’t.
Generally after a death in the family we don't do that which is not liked by the dead. Hence we avoid going to temples.
Is there any specific reasons for Tarpanam (rituals for the Pitrus) being performed during Amavasya /Poornima days?

Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji:
The gravitational force that the earth exerts is high on these days and hence it is believed that the Pitru Loka (Ancestral world) is closer on these days. That is why special rites for the Pitrus are performed on these days.
It is rather confusing when you say that Lord Shiva was chanting the Divine Name of Rama. It has been stated in all the scriptures that Lord Shiva existed long before the birth of Lord Rama. Please explain.

Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji:
Rama is not merely the name of a character in our Itihasas. It is a Mantra, just like the 'Pranava' Mantra (Om). The great Sage Vashishta chanted this mantra for a very long time.
Hence he named Dasharata's first child with the name of his favourite mantra, knowing well that he is verily Lord Vishnu's incarnation.
The entire cosmos reverberates to the tune of Rama Nama only. In fact, the all-pervading Rama Nama existed even before the Universe was formed. So it is incorrect to believe that the Rama Nama came into existence only via Ramayana.
During Upanayanam, the child is initiated into Gayatri Mantra and it is said that chanting the Gayatri Mantra is good. If Mahamantra is really powerful and can do good to anyone who chants it, why not give Mahamantra as the Upadesa?

Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji:
There are two distinct Dharmas prescribed– the Vaideeka Dharma and the Bhagavata Dharma.
In Ramayana, we see that Rama protected the 'Yagna' (austerities) of the rishis This is Vaideeka Dharma. We also see that Rama blessed Ahalya. This is Bhagavata Dharma.
The most sacred sound in Vaideeka Dharma is 'Om'. 'Rama' is the equivalent in Bhagavata Dharma. While Vaideeka Dharma talks about rituals and rites, Bhagavata Dharma talks about love for God. The former is for a few to follow, while the latter is meant for everyone.
Gayatri Mantra is a very powerful Mantra in the Vaideeka Dharma. Mahamantra is a very powerful Mantra in the Bhagavata Dharma. Thus one cannot substitute the other. They cannot be mixed.
What is the difference between 'religious' and 'spiritual'? Can these two words be used interchangeably? Please explain.

Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji:
Spirituality and religion are inseparable.
Being religious is to lead a life in the path shown by the holy scriptures of one’s religion. By doing so, attaining that final destination that the religion upholds as the supreme is spirituality.
My mind always has lewd thoughts. How do I control it?

Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji:
Whenever you get such lewd thoughts, watch keenly as to who is getting those thoughts. When you keep on continuing the enquiry, you will find an answer to the ‘I’. Concentrate on this 'I' and meditate on it incessantly.
During the rest of the time, chant the Divine Name 'Hari', 'Hari', 'Hari' constantly. Your thoughts in that direction will reduce considerably.
Why is money ruling today's world? Why not pure love?

Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji:
Pure Love and money never go together. That is the reason.

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